Custom Notifications in Salesforce Flow

Flow Builder – Salesforce Configuration  Custom notifications in Salesforce are used to send custom bell notifications to notify when an important change or update occurs in your business. Salesforce Flow is one of the best ways to send custom notifications in a simple way without any piece of code.  Example   Let us consider a business […]

Export Aura Component tabular data as CSV

Introduction:  In this blog, I would like to demonstrate on how to export the lightning data table value into an Excel format using Aura component with help of jQuery.  Requirement:  On click Event of a quick action button from the object’s detail page, the first step is to retrieve all the necessary records into a […]

High Velocity Sales

Introduction  High velocity sales are a world of virtual sales, and it is important to move from traditional channels to digital channels. Email, Messaging, Video Conferencing, and Chat are the technologies used by the employees as part of their sales process. Sales cloud high velocity sales is a streamlined solution tailored to virtual sales teams […]

Controlling Event Flow in Mule

In this article, we will see what routing is and the controlling event process in the flow.  ROUTING  Routers send events to one or more groups of event processors. We can route messages to different destinations in a flow. Some routers use logic to analyze and transform messages before routing occurs.  Routing an event between […]

Migrate to Flow Tool and Flow Debugging

Migrate to Flow Tool:  Salesforce has announced that they are going to deprecate (retire) workflows and process builders in future. So, they released a tool called Migrate to flow to convert existing workflows into flows.   Setup → Process Automation → Migrate to Flow  In Migrate to flow, we can see the existing workflows with objects […]

Creating custom attributes on okta using Schemas API

Okta:           It provides cloud software that helps companies manage and secure user authentication into applications, and for developers to build identity controls into applications, website web services and devices.  1.How to add attributes in user profile manually?  In the Directory session Click à Profile Editor. Profile Editor page will appear on the filter click […]

Lightning Design System – Styling Hooks

Introduction  Salesforce introduced styling hooks feature in Lightning design system from spring’22 release and now it is available for Global Audience (GA) use. It has been extremely hard for the developers to customize the designs on Lightning Web Components (LWC) since it has been built with shadow DOM (Document Object Model); things get even more […]

Connect And Schedule Reports with Google Sheet

Definition  By using Data Connector for salesforce, we can easily obtain records of Salesforce reports to Google sheet. We can additionally insert, delete, update, and refresh the Salesforce data from the google sheet itself. We can also import Salesforce data based on a custom SOQL Query.  Prerequisites  Salesforce org (Developer edition, Sandbox)  Google spreadsheet with […]

Interoperability Testing 

Introduction:  Interoperability is an ability of a Software to interact with other Software. Mainly to exchange or share the information from one to another.  Interoperability testing is a form of non-functional testing. It is performed to ensure that the software has the ability of interacting with the other software. By doing this type of testing, […]