Agile Accelerator

INTRODUCTION: Rally is a project management tool used to track each phase of the development iterations and releases. This tool is also used to map defects with the user stories.The rally software is free for ten users and five projects for unlimited time and Jira does not provide free trial for 10 users, but it is a paid tool.STEPS TO CREATE PROJECT STEP 1:  Go to the following URL( and login using valid credentials.STEP 2: Click on Workspace & project present in the setup page.STEP 3: 3.1Click on add projects ( ) present in the page3.2. Enter the project name as “Testing Project”.3.3. Click on “Save & close” present in the page.STEP 4: Click on “Back to project” present in the page.STEP 5: 5.1 Click on “plan” present in the page.5.2. You can add backlog, user stories, Time boxes, and Team planning.5.2.1. BACKLOG:Backlog is the collection of user stories and any open defects that are not done in a particular sprint based on the priority of the client but moved to the next sprint.5.2.2 USER STORIES:The user story is the high-level requirement of the client and It is broken down into multiple tasks such as develop, test, and deploy the build tasks.5.2.3 TASKS:The task is used to list out all the active tasks for the team members.5.2.4 TIME BOXES:The time box refers to the time boundary for the specific task. It usually involves handling deliverables and deadlines, which can improve the productivity of the user.5.2.5 TEAM PLANNING:Team planning is a Beta version in the rally and it is used to maintain the project backlog and project plan for the releases. It is used to increase the efficiency of the team members.STEP 6: 6.1. Click on “Track” present in the page.6.2. You can view Iteration status, team status, release status, release metrics and tasks.6.2.1 ITERATION STATUS:Iteration status is used to show the Iteration end, planned velocity, accepted rate and shows iteration status in charts. These charts can be used in iterations: Pie chart, Burndown chart and Cumulative flow chart. PLANNED VELOCITY:The total number of story points present in the iterations is called as planned velocity. ACCEPTED RATE:The total number of story points accepted by the clients in the iterations is called as accepted rate.6.2.2. TEAM STATUS:The team status is used to find the tasks assigned to the members of the team and track progression of tasks.6.2.3 RELEASE STATUS:The release status is used to find out the No of days remaining in the release, and it is used to track the release status.6.2.4 RELEASE METRICS:The release metrics is used to map the scheduled products, products accepted, remaining time, total no test cases, test cases passed, defects active and total no of defects in the release.STEP 7: 7.1. Click on “Quality” present in the page.7.2. You can add defects and defect suites.7.2.1. DEFECTS:A Software Defect indicates the software does not meet the requirement specification.7.2.2 DEFECT SUITES:A collection of defects has single unit for resolution in an assigned iteration or release is called defect suites.STEP 8: 8.1. Click on “Reports” present in the page.8.2. You can add reports and defect suites.8.2.1 REPORTS:Reports is a pictorial representation used to track your work in releases and iterations.CONCLUSION:  Rally is one of the most comprehensive agile project management tools, and it helps you track your projects’ progress Iteratively, assign stories to iterations, split stories to tasks, tag defects to stories etc. The tool also helps you monitor your teams’ progress.REFERENCE LINKS:

Agile Accelerator is a Manged Application available free in the App Exchange. It is used for managing the agile product development in Salesforce. An entire team can track their project details like user stories, bugs, reports, and more from within Salesforce.

The Agile Accelerator App secures our information safely and is fully integrated with other Salesforce apps such as Sales Cloud and Service Cloud. We can connect user stories & bugs to CRM cases and accounts.

Agile Accelerator can support in the Salesforce1 platform and integrate with other system.

Create and Manage team 

The first step is to create a team to use agile. The Agile team can have members such as, software engineers, architects, programmers, analysts, QA experts, testers, and UI designers etc. Once the team is created, assign the roles and responsibilities to the team members.

Steps to create and edit the team: 

agile accelerator
  1. Select the “Team” from the tab and Click the “All Team” link at top of the page.
  2. Enter the name for “Team name” and “Department” fields.
  3. Enter the name, roles and Allocation of the team members.

Note: Roles and Allocation are not required fields but knowing their Allocations is good for Sprint planning.

  1.  Enter the Product tag and it is required for creating bugs and stories for the team. Click “Save”.

Create Product Tags 

Product tags are used for organizing the team work in the Logical categories. We can use product tag from the “team tab” and the “product tag” tab.

agile accelerator

Steps to Create a product tag: 

Select the “Product tag” tab and enter the Name of the Product tag and select the “Team” and     click “Save”.

salesforce agile accelerator

1.Click the “Create New” button to create an assignment rule.

2.Select the bug or user stories icon to select the type of work.

Note: If we don’t select any of this icon, validation will fire

3. Enter the details of product Owner and assignee as they are required fields.

4.Save the product tag.

Let’s create our first sprint  

Once we have created the team. we must create the Sprint to organize the project work in an effective manner. We can create any duration up to one month.

salesforce agile accelerator

Steps to create a Sprint 

1.Click the sprint tab. Then, click the new button.

2.Enter the name of the Sprint. The suggested format is number(a-f).team name.

Ex: If the sprint cover 2 weeks. then 1st week would be 2017.05a-Service cloud Sprint.

and the 2nd week will be 2017.05b-Service cloud Sprint.

Note: The sprint naming convention has a validation rule on the Sprint object. We can change or deactivate the validation rule.

3. Enter the mandatory fields like scrum team, start date, and end date.

salesforce agile accelerator

Salesforce Epic: 

An Epic is a larger user Story that can’t be finished within a single sprint; even its takes more than a Sprint to complete. Because Epics is for large projects, Agile team split them down into smaller, manageable User Stories.

Epics is useful to judge the scope of the development work. As we split the Epics into smaller stories, we can group the similar stories together by using themes.

Ex: If we create a mobile Application, we can organize the user stories with an iOS theme and android theme.

salesforce agile accelerator

There are two options for Creating the Epic Record: 

1.In the Epic tab, click the “New work”.

2.In the user story, Enter the epic name in the Epic box detail page.

The Following screenshot shows the sample Epic details.

salesforce agile accelerator

Salesforce Themes 

By using themes, we can easily group the similar user stories together. Some people refer to them as tags. All the user stories assigned to the theme and we can find the related stories.

By using “Add work to theme” button, we can search and assign the work to theme.

agile accelerator salesforce

Create a work records  

Once we have created the sprints, we can start adding work records. Three types of work records are there for Users stories, bugs and Investigation. Using the work tab or “New work” button, we can create the user stories and bugs on the sprint virtual wall

Let’s create our first user story: the “Work” tab. Then click the “new” button. (or) click the “Sprint” tab. Select the “New   Work.”

2.There are 3 three types available: Users stories, bugs and Investigation. Select any one of them.

3. Let’s select the “Users stories” and click “continue”.

agile accelerator salesforce

4.Enter the value for Subject name and the product tag field. Both are required fields

Note: once we start typing in the product tag field, a list of product tags will appear and select one of them.

5. When you start typing the Sprint field, a list of Sprints will appear and select one of them and click “Save”.

agile accelerator salesforce

The following diagram shows the fields and functions of the User story.

agile accelerator salesforce
agile accelerator salesforce

Relate a case to the Work record 

We can add the custom case field called “work” to Case page layout. By adding the field in the Case object, we can link the cases & work records and able to see the case information while viewing the work record. There is no need to open the cases separately.

The following steps are related to case and work records together.

  1. In the Case object, go to the page layout. Click “Edit” to open the page layout.
  2. Find the work field and place in the desired location on the page layout.
agile accelerator salesforce
salesforce agile accelerator
  1. Click “Save”.
  2. Then create a new case or edit an existing case and select the lookup in the work field.
  3. In Work record, we can see the case associated with the work record in the Additional field section.
salesforce agile accelerator

Create a Task 

Whenever we create a user story, we can create a task and assign to individual team members. It helps to track the progress for each story, especially when more than one person is working on a user story.

  1. From the “Sprint” tab click the drop-down arrow within a user story and then select “Add task”.
salesforce agile accelerator
  1. Once the task is selected, enter the task description and hours that it takes to complete the task.
  2. The task is automatically assigned to the person who creates it. Once the task is saved, we can click  to bring up a list of team members and reassign the task.
salesforce agile accelerator

The Task fields are given below

salesforce agile accelerator

View your Backlog Manger  

The Backlog Manager is useful for managing all your team work. We can use individual panels to monitor specific types of work. We can add multiple panels that help backlog manager to prioritize and plan. In a single place, we can see all team’s work records.

This provides better visibility across the organization. The Backlog Manager gives better visibility of a team’s work to other teams who might want to see if there are potential dependencies.

  1. Click the “Backlog Manger” tab.

Note: If you’re on more than a team, you might get a prompt to pick a team.

Ex: if you’re team’s “sales” and “service”. You are shown two panels by default. The backburner represents open user stories that haven’t been prioritized by your team.

  1. Drag the user story that you just created from the backburner to the backlog.

Note: we can edit the user subject.

salesforce agile accelerator
  1. Open the new panel by clicking “Add panel” from top left corner.
  2. Select by Sprint (or) Epic (or) Theme.
  3. Enter the name of sprint that has high priority.

The following are the additional features of Agile Accelerator

Custom picklist values for work record 

  • We can customize the picklist values of “Status” field on work records.

Note:  Don’t remove the “Closed” value as it will affect Sprint Velocity calculation.

Custom fields for work records 

  • We can also modify or add fields in Additional Field section on the work records.

Custom fields for Product tags 

  • We can modify or add fields to product tags that are unique to specific team or product tag.
  •  If the field is required for a few Product tags, then add it in “product tag” level.
  • If the field is required for the entire org, then add it in “Work Object” level.

Configure Communities 

  • We can use the Agile Accelerator with Communities to create work items.
  • We must contact Salesforce for provide information about adding Communities license to your Organization.

Configure Email Volume 

  • The user can choose which type of Email notification the user can receive when work record changes. The following are notification levels
  • Bread & Butter – This notification will send if the user added as an Assignee and other users added Comments.
  • Meat & Potatoes – This notification will cover everything additionally if any changes in the status field of work item in the default level.
  • The Whole Enchilada – This notification includes everything in Meat & Potatoes,

additionally, if any changes in major field.

Create quick work record using Google chrome Extension

  • We can create bugs and User stories quickly using free Google chrome extension called “Quick Create Work Record”.
  • Note: This extension will support only in the Google chrome browser.
  • Once the extension is installed in the browser. configure the extension for your domain.
  1. In your company. If “My Domain” is enabled then the domain field will be required. Ex (“.”).
agile accelerator salesforce
  1. If we don’t have a custom domain, then enter your org’s instance name in the field.

Ex: “” and then enter na17 in the Domain text field.

agile accelerator salesforce


The Agile Accelerator is a manged application available free in the app-exchange. This Application helps that the entire team manage & monitor the project status easily and it is fully secured because the entire project flow and data are maintained within salesforce Organization.

Reference Link: 

User guide:

App Link:

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