Email Template Builder – Winter’22

Why do you need Email Template Builder? 

  • To increase productivity and ensure consistent messaging.  
  • To send emails that include field data from Salesforce records. 
  • We can send emails to group of people or individuals. 
  • We can easily add pre-built column layouts and add padding between columns. 
  • Inline references and images are automatically maintained when a package is installed, or a change set is received. 

To access Email template –à 

Go to App launcher -à Email Template -à Create new Email Template à Fill the form à Edit in Builder. 

You will get the below page. Fill the fields. 

Subject field should be filled. It cannot be edited in Email Template Builder

Add Rows and Columns  

  • Use the Layout component to easily append a line to an Email Template Builder template.  
  • Select an arrangement without a column or a pre-configured set of up to four columns. This component replaces the Row component. 
  • From Email Template Builder, select and drag a column layout to the canvas. After that, add components to the columns 

The columns then appear on the canvas. 

Get Some Breathing Room with Column Padding in Email Template Builder 

  • In Email Template Builder, give a definition of the columns with a packing between each column.  
  • Before, users were filling individual columns, and now they can also stack space between all columns. 
  • To set the spacing between each column at the same time, change the Spacing of columns (px). 

Add Variety with Indentations in Rich Text Components in Email Template Builder 

  • The indented text creates a visual variety and arranges the text into the Email Template Builder templates.  
  • The variation in the indentation of the text highlights the text and makes it easier for email recipients to notice it. 
  • To adjust the text, in the Rich Text component, click the Expand Indent and Decrease Indent buttons. 

You see the changes in your text. 

Navigate More Easily with Breadcrumbs in Email Template Builder 

In this example, the breadcrumb shows users whether they have selected the line or the component button. 

 Include Salesforce Inline Image References in Email Template Builder Packages and Change Sets 

  • It is not necessary to re-create references to built-in Salesforce images after installing a package or receiving a changeset. 
  • Email template Creator email templates can now include online references to Salesforce files and images. 
  • These references are included in the package or changeset and stored when installing the package or receiving the changeset

Say More… 

  • Commit your readers to a longer, more descriptive topic.  
  • The Purpose of Lightning Email Templates field, including email templates created in the Email Template Builder, can now contain up to 1000 characters. 

Reference Links 

Email Template Builder

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