High Velocity Sales


High velocity sales are a world of virtual sales, and it is important to move from traditional channels to digital channels. Email, Messaging, Video Conferencing, and Chat are the technologies used by the employees as part of their sales process. Sales cloud high velocity sales is a streamlined solution tailored to virtual sales teams and designed to speed up and scale up the sales process. Work Queue is inside lightning sales, and it is a prioritized task list. So, a rep knows exactly what the next step is to take with each customer. This helps the rep to build a strong pipeline. High Velocity Sales is now renamed as Sales Engagement in the recent winter release. 

Here are the related contents of “High velocity sales” 

  • High velocity sales for sales reps 
  • High velocity sales for sales managers 
  • Einstein’s conversion insights for sales 

High velocity sales for Sales reps 

High velocity sales are built on the lightning sales console, which provides sales reps with everything they need in a tab-based workspace. The work queue provides a prioritized list, and it is divided into three separate tabs. 

  1. Sales cadences: These are sequences of activities created for different types of customers. 
  1. My Feed: This will show the attention needed for the activities by the sales rep. 
  1. My List: These emails that aren’t tied to a sales cadence and are separate one-off calls.  

In addition to the high velocity sales, sales reps are getting access to a few optional features, and they are the following: 

  • Sales dialer 
  • Inbox 
  • Einstein activity capture 
  • Einstein Lead scoring 

To access high velocity sales: from the app launcher (App Launcher icon), find and select high velocity sales. 

On the Home page, it includes a link to the work queue. Sales reps can click around the tabs at the top to access all the record details that they need and, they can see the leads to convert. 

High Velocity Sales for Sales Managers 

With little effort, sales cadences can program your sales outreach playbooks directly into Salesforce. For the Next Email or call, the employees never have to find out their prospects. The Sales Cadences manage all that for them automatically. 

We can create many different sales cadences to suit our business. We can use different email templates, different call scripts, different outreach schedules, or any combination of these, and we can set up two or more different sales cadences and then compare the results. 

Building a Sales Cadence 

To build a sales cycle, choose Sales Cadences from the navigation menu in the HVS app, and the rep can follow the created sales cycles in the work queue. 

Steps to Create Sales Cadences 

  1. Click New and give the sales cadences a name. 
  1. Select the plus icon and decide if you want to send email manually or automatically. If needed, we need to add a name and description for every sales step. 
  1. We can also choose an email template for the sales reps to use for the first outreach. 

Adding the Prospects to the Sales Cadences 

Go to any of the lead detail pages and select the “ADD TO SALES CADENCES”. We can also select an owner to work on the sales cadences. 

As a sales manager, we can see all our sales cadences and add prospects in the sales app. We can also see the prospects assigned to each of the sales cadences in the sales app. The sales cycle targeted list shows which sales step is targeted for next. 

Use Reports to make sales cadences effective. 

Sales Cadence reports are used to see how many prospects have been through the entire lead’s sales cycle and which emails, calls, text messages, or other outreach are successful. For this, we can look into the built-in report, which includes High Velocity Sales. 

Go to the Reports tab and select the Sales Cadence Completion Reason Report. This report shows the percentage of prospects that exited the sales cycle by completing all the sales cycle steps, converted to an opportunity, or being manually removed by a sales rep or manager. 


  1. We must assign Sales Engagement User and Standard Einstein Activity Capture permissions sets to use this feature. 
  1. Also, we must connect our account to the Salesforce site. 

Einstein Conversation Insights for Sales 

Einstein Conversation Insights: It is a conversational intelligence feature that’s built-in to Salesforce high velocity sales, which is an add-on product to the sales cloud. It also enables managers to tailor and personalize coaching, and the managers can review the moments of success and the areas for improvement and use those for coaching conversations. It enables your organization to 

  • Coach the sales rep for maximum performance. 
  • Make best practices available on a large scale. 
  • Uncover market insights. 

How Einstein’s Conversation Insights Works? 

It is important to know that Einstein Conversation Insight does not record calls, but it is an AI feature that processes audio processing and surfaces insights. 

  • Define Keywords 
  • Collect Conversations 
  • Process Recordings 
  • Analyze Transcriptions 
  • Surface Post-Call Insights and Recordings 

Improve your sales performance by using Einstein Conversation insights. 

Simplify Call Reviews: Einstein Conversation Insights lets us simplify the process of reviewing calls by focusing attention on conversation trends across three areas: 

  • Products 
  • Competitors 
  • Custom Mentions 

Set Up to Date on Important Call Metrics 

Einstein Conversion allows you to stay up to date through ongoing insights, highlights, and reports. Without logging into Salesforce, you can understand calls made by the reps. Know the top keywords, who is making the calls, where they are coming from, and how long each call lasts.  

Einstein’s Conversation Insights in Action 

Three ways that have improved the coaching practices with Einstein Conversation Insights 

  1. Preparing for Call Reviews Quickly 
  1. Helping Sales Reps with Their Sales Cycles 
  1. Personalized Sales Training and Sales Planning 

Organize Einstein Conversation insights 

  1. Enter Call Coaching in the quick search box and select Call Coaching Settings. 
  1. Then, connect to Call Recordings by using a Sales Dialer or any other supported partner solution. The page will display the information. 
  1. Next, configure Call Insights using the two types of insights. 

Keyword Insights: Requires you to specify a list of keywords. 

Automatic insights: This does not require any further configuration. This includes the next steps and pricing. 

  1. Then, configure keywords for competitor or product by selecting the product mentioned or competitor mentioned, and we can specify up to 25 keywords for each category. 
  1. We can also configure a custom keyword in the custom tab. We can have up to 25 keywords. While selecting the custom keywords, avoid short phrases that are too common as well as long sentences. 


By using the High Velocity Sales, the sales reps and the sales manager get more benefits, and it shortens their working time. They also find it easy to work with it as their productivity is increased by High Velocity Sales.

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