Pagination in Salesforce with Maintaining Selected Records

Pagination can be achieved in Salesforce, by using Standard Set Controller in salesforce; however, we cannot maintain the stage of the selected records in the pagination.

Pagination in salesforce can be achieved , by using Standard Set Controller in salesforce; however, we cannot maintain the stage of the selected records in the pagination. The following code explains how we can maintain the state of the selected records in pagination, and also how to process those selected records.

Take a demo at this page.

Public class WrapperContactWrapper


Public Contact con{get;set;}

Public boolean bool{get;set;}

public WrapperContactWrapper (Contact c,boolean bool)


this.con = c;

this.bool = bool;



Public class ContactTable


public String size { get; set; }

//This is Our collection of the class/wrapper objects WrapperContactWrapper

Public List wrapperlist;

Public Integer noOfRecords{get; set;}

// Create a new Map to verify whether the contact is already added in the Map

Map <id,Contact> SelectedcontactMap = new Map <id,Contact>();

public boolean display{get;set;}

public list selectedList {get;set;}

// instantiate the StandardSetController from a query locator

public ApexPages.StandardSetController Setcon




if(Setcon == Null)


Setcon = new ApexPages. StandardSetController (Database.getQueryLocator ([Select Name,Accountid,Email, MobilePhone,LeadSource from Contact]));

// sets the number of records in each page set


noOfRecords = setCon.getResultSize();


return Setcon;




//Returns a list of wrapper objects for the sObjects in the current page set

Public List getContact()



// Initilaize the list to add the selected contact

wrapperlist = new List ();

for(Contact cc : (List)Setcon.getRecords())


if( SelectedcontactMap .ContainsKey(


wrapperlist.add (new WrapperContactWrapper(cc,true));




wrapperlist.add(new WrapperContactWrapper(cc,false));



return wrapperlist;}

public void getSelectedContact(){



for(WrapperContactWrapper wr:wrapperlist)


if(wr.bool == true)


SelectedcontactMap.put (,wr.con); // Add the selected contact id in to the SelectedcontactMap.




SelectedcontactMap.remove(; // If you uncheck the contact, remove it from the selectedcontactMap





public void clickMe()


display = true;


selectedList = SelectedcontactMap.values();


public integer pageNumber




return Setcon.getPageNumber();





VF Page

Page Number {!pageNumber} 


pagination in salesforce
what is pagination in salesforce
pagination in salesforce

Reference Link: developer/docs/ pages/Content/ apex_pages_ standardsetcontroller.htm

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